By Seth Johnson
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash
If you were recently here in Flagstaff to receive a therapeutic massage at Bodies in Balance,
you were probably asked if you’d like essential oils as part of your therapy session. Essential
oils have become one of the most widely talked about aspects of health and wellness lately, and
it’s because researchers are finding out just how much of a connection there is between smell
and emotion. Think about the last time you smelled warm cookies baking in the oven – how did
you feel? Hungry? Nostalgic, as if you were suddenly on a blast to the past to when you used to
bake delicious chocolate chip cookies with your grandma as a child? That’s no coincidence that
certain smells can bring up certain thoughts or feelings – but how exactly does it all work?
you were probably asked if you’d like essential oils as part of your therapy session. Essential
oils have become one of the most widely talked about aspects of health and wellness lately, and
it’s because researchers are finding out just how much of a connection there is between smell
and emotion. Think about the last time you smelled warm cookies baking in the oven – how did
you feel? Hungry? Nostalgic, as if you were suddenly on a blast to the past to when you used to
bake delicious chocolate chip cookies with your grandma as a child? That’s no coincidence that
certain smells can bring up certain thoughts or feelings – but how exactly does it all work?