By Seth Johnson
Photo by John Torcasio via Unsplash
Sports Injuries: Safety Isn’t Guaranteed
Growing up, we’re always told to be careful playing sports; our parents may have said
something to the tune of:
“Make sure you put on your helmet before riding your bike!”
“Where is your mouth guard? You need that before you can go out and play.”
“Don’t forget to put on your knee brace before going onto the field.”
These small words of wisdom sometimes go unappreciated when we’re that young, and even if
we do continue to apply these crucial preventative measures when we’re out moving around,
they don’t come with a 100% guarantee that we won’t get hurt. Whether it’s a quick injury – such
as from football collisions or missteps on the basketball court – or a longstanding injury, such as
from repetitively throwing or straining muscles, the healing process is truly determined by the
actions we take the minute our body is traumatized and when we realize that our body is
Growing up, we’re always told to be careful playing sports; our parents may have said
something to the tune of:
“Make sure you put on your helmet before riding your bike!”
“Where is your mouth guard? You need that before you can go out and play.”
“Don’t forget to put on your knee brace before going onto the field.”
These small words of wisdom sometimes go unappreciated when we’re that young, and even if
we do continue to apply these crucial preventative measures when we’re out moving around,
they don’t come with a 100% guarantee that we won’t get hurt. Whether it’s a quick injury – such
as from football collisions or missteps on the basketball court – or a longstanding injury, such as
from repetitively throwing or straining muscles, the healing process is truly determined by the
actions we take the minute our body is traumatized and when we realize that our body is