support. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an article
that highlighted some very real concerns for people across the world:
- General fear and worry about their own health and those of loved ones
- Changes in eating and sleeping patterns due to the quarantine and stay-at-home order
- Troubles with sleeping and concentrating
- Worsening of chronic health problems
- Increased substance use concerns
- And more
We’re in unprecedented times, and it’s critical for us to do what we can to minimize damages
of the mind, body and spirit while we all try to navigate the twists and turns of this pandemic.
By staying proactive and creating a daily routine filled with a few tried-and-true therapeutic
techniques, you’ll be ensuring that your health and well-being continue to remain at the
forefront of your life – which will only aid you in these times of uncertainty.
Progressive relaxation – this type of meditative exercise could be a great way to wind down at
the end of each day. As you’re lying down in bed comfortably, close your eyes and begin with
your feet. Tighten your toes – and relax. Then, tighten your calves – and relax. Progressive
relaxation involves working your way up through your body, tightening and relaxing so that the
mind will follow the body in letting go of stress and anxiety.
Calming essential oils – if you have some doTerra essential oils at home, be sure to put small
droplets at the crown of your head, behind your ears, on your neck, and/or on your temples
throughout the day. You could even put a few drops in your pillow for a good night’s rest;
lavender, ylang-ylang, rose and chamomile are some excellent options for stress-relief during
this time.
Frequent stretching – be sure to get some movement in each day, and engage in several
different types of stretches so that your body can remain prepped and supported. To start, you
could do an upper back stretch: Stand with your knees slightly bent, and clasp your hands in
front of you with your arms parallel to the floor. Relax your head and round out your upper
back, pushing your hands forward and moving your palms away from your body. Hold it for 20-
30 seconds while you take breaths in and out; repeat 2-3 more times as needed.
Taking Care of Your Health: A Top Priority
Ultimately, the unpredictability surrounding COVID-19 can either make or break us – and as a
community, we can come together to ensure that we’re all taking appropriate steps towards
maintaining our own health and wellness. The fear, negativity and stress surrounding this
situation can make it all too easy to place our well-being on the back burner – but now is when
we need to pay extra special attention to ourselves and those we love so that we can continue
to thrive. Please feel free to share these strategies with those around you, and remember to
find small, meaningful ways to make the most of each day.
Bodies in Balance is an exceptional massage therapy practice based in Flagstaff, AZ,
that aims to help clients relieve pain, improve athletic performance, and reduce stress
with high-quality therapeutic bodywork and outstanding customer service. Due to the
COVID-19 epidemic, Bodies in Balance will remain closed until further notice. If you
have any questions or concerns, please call us today at 928-853-5765 or email
[email protected]. We truly cannot wait to continue providing you
with services that uplift your mind, body and spirit to new heights.