The iliotibial (IT) band is asheet of fascia that runs from the iliac crest of the pelvis to thetibia bone in the lower leg. Fibers of the Gluteus Maximus and Tensor FasciaeLatae muscles attach to the IT Band, linking them with the low leg. TheIT Band has a thick, matted texture that makes it a strong stabilizer of theknee and hip. The IT Band also assists with movement of the hip (flexingand rotating). |
Many athletes, especiallyrunners, hikers, and cyclists, develop tight iliotibial bands (ITB) along theirouter thigh. Over time, a chronically tight ITB and overuse can lead toITB Syndrome, which causes pain at the outside knee and thigh.
Massage can help reduce tension in the IT Band. Equally important, massage can help reduce tension in the gluteal musclesthat attach to the IT Band. At home, the use of a foam roller andstretching help maintain a flexible and supple ITB.
Massage can help reduce tension in the IT Band. Equally important, massage can help reduce tension in the gluteal musclesthat attach to the IT Band. At home, the use of a foam roller andstretching help maintain a flexible and supple ITB.