Someone once said, “I have tight shoulders, just like everyone”. Well, no. Not everyone has tight shoulders. And even among people with tight shoulders, they’re not all tight in the same way or for the same reason. Every body really is unique. Yes, we see common patterns, but bodies aren’t interchangeable.
Most frustrating are the people who don’t say anything. They don’t tell me if a certain position is uncomfortable to them, if the amount of pressure I’m applying isn’t perfect for them, or if they are too hot or too cold. They seem to think that I automatically know exactly what they are experiencing. Actually, no. I can feel how your tissue is responding and what is comfortable for MOST people. But again, you are unique.

So my reminder to you is that while our therapists are skilled, compassionate, and empathetic – they’re not psychic! So speak up and tell us all about what’s bothering you and what you’re experiencing.